Monday Motivation: 20 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

It’s Monday again! It is the end of the month, bills are due, Labor Day weekend is around the corner, so what better way to get through this end of the month work week then some solid stress relief. There are many healthy ways to rid yourself of some of life’s stresses, including exercise, including yoga, running, and crossfit, playing an instrument, writing, singing, shopping (who doesn’t love some retail therapy), going to the beach, etc… All of these methods can really provide some stress relief and mental support.

Shape Magazine posted an article on “20 Simple Stress Relief Techniques”, and we would like to share these with you:

  1. Prep for tomorrow. – The feeling of being prepared really relieves tension!
  2. Arm yourself with healthy snacks. – A full, happy belly can keep you worry free!
  3. Try a repeat performance. – Practicing routines can keep you calm
  4. Use the proper hand washing technique technique. – Keep germs away and wash your hands for as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday”
  5. Turn on some tunes. – Music is a proven stress buster! (as long you get to pick)
  6. Use the ATM once. – Retail therapy is great, but keep at a minimum so you don’t stress out about bills and running up your credit card later
  7. Hit the pool! – Swimming can be amazing exercise and burn a bunch of calories, also, water triggers the body’s relaxation response and lowers stress hormones
  8. Give your thumbs a rest. – Put the phone away! No work emails or stressing while you are at home. This also gives your eyes a rest.
  9. Recall a past success. – Reflect for 5 minutes on one of your past accomplishments and the reminiscing of how you felt will be relaxing
  10. Do yoga in your pajamas. – Pretty self explanatory — try this one!
  11. Worry about one thing at a time. – This is crucial for women, since we are used to worrying about 100 things at a time, remember that you are only one person and to focus on one worry at a time to get the most accomplished
  12. Focus on your senses a few minutes a day. – Meditation can really do the mind and body wonders!
  13. Talk about—or write out—what’s worrying you. – Sometimes, journaling can really be a great stress reducer. Write it all out, even cry if you need to, you’ll feel better afterward.
  14. Be faithful to your workout routines, no matter how stressed or busy you are. – Exercise will reduce stress an ample amount, so don’t skip the gym!
  15. Get a massage. – Anyone who’s ever had a massage can vouch that it is amazingly relaxing. Sites like Groupon can offer affordable deals in your area.
  16. Speak a stress-free language. – Don’t say anything negative about yourself — keep your speech positive! This will really produce a subconscious effect of stress relief.
  17. Don’t be so serious. – Laughing reduces anxiety and stress and makes you a happier person (and it even burns calories).
  18. Once a day, get away. – Take a mini vacation everyday (even if this means a 5 minute coffee break alone to think and relax).
  19.  Identify at least one good thing that happened today. – recognizing and meditating over positive occurrences really lightens your mood and relieves anxieties
  20. Take the stress in and release it. – Breathing exercises and meditations, like yoga or Tai Chi, really reduce stress hormone levels and washes worries away.

Use all of these methods to really lighten your worries and mood everyday. It is important to live life as stress free as possible. The mental and physical effects of stress can be extremely harmful and any way to reduce the levels of stress hormones will do the mind and body good. Have a happy Monday and happy end of the month! 🙂

Monday Motivation: 8 Minute Yoga Routine to Sleep Like a Baby

So it looks like it’s Monday again *sigh*, but do not fear, Beauty Buzz in the City is here! Sleep is super important for our health and many of us can admit that we do not get enough sleep or even close to the recommended amount. Start your week off right and get some zzz’s in so you can be well rested and alive during your work week (nobody likes zombies in the office).

So don’t do this at work…


Do this…


So you can sleep like this…


This routine will make it easier to fall asleep and help keep you in a deep sleep; this is much better then hitting your snooze button one too many times in the morning and being late to work. And the best part, the whole thing can be done in bed, so you can fall asleep right away!

Our friends at Fitness Magazine shared this information about an 8 minute yoga routine that will help you get better sleep. Here’s How:

Move #1:
(2 Minutes)
-Sit facing a wall/headboard with your butt about 6 inches away from it
-Lie back and extend your legs up the wall (If this is too intense a stretch for your hamstrings, slide your butt farther away from the wall; If it’s not enough, scoot closer).
-Let your arms rest by your sides, palms facing up, and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs.

Move #2 “Winding Down Twist”:
(1 minute)
-Sit cross-legged on the bed and exhale as you place your right hand on your left knee and left hand on the bed behind your tailbone
-Gently twist your torso to the left.
-Allow your gaze to follow, looking over your left shoulder.
-Breathe deeply, then return to center and repeat on opposite side.

Move #3 “Nighttime Goddess Stretch”:
(2 Minutes)
-Lie on your back with knees bent.
-Place the soles of your feet together, then let your knees fall open, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
-Rest your arms on the bed.
-If you feel any strain, elevate your legs by placing a pillow underneath each knee.

Move #4 “Child’s Pose”:
(2 Minutes)
-Sit up comfortably on your heels.
-Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.
-Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you.
-Hold the pose and breathe.

Move #5 “Rock-a-Bye Roll”:
(1 Minute)
-Lying on your back, hug knees in to chest.
-Cross your ankles and wrap both arms around your shins with clasped hands.
-Inhale and rock your body up to sit; exhale as you roll back.
-Continue for 1 minute, then roll back, extend arms and legs, and drift off to sleep.