Monday Motivation: 20 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

It’s Monday again! It is the end of the month, bills are due, Labor Day weekend is around the corner, so what better way to get through this end of the month work week then some solid stress relief. There are many healthy ways to rid yourself of some of life’s stresses, including exercise, including yoga, running, and crossfit, playing an instrument, writing, singing, shopping (who doesn’t love some retail therapy), going to the beach, etc… All of these methods can really provide some stress relief and mental support.

Shape Magazine posted an article on “20 Simple Stress Relief Techniques”, and we would like to share these with you:

  1. Prep for tomorrow. – The feeling of being prepared really relieves tension!
  2. Arm yourself with healthy snacks. – A full, happy belly can keep you worry free!
  3. Try a repeat performance. – Practicing routines can keep you calm
  4. Use the proper hand washing technique technique. – Keep germs away and wash your hands for as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday”
  5. Turn on some tunes. – Music is a proven stress buster! (as long you get to pick)
  6. Use the ATM once. – Retail therapy is great, but keep at a minimum so you don’t stress out about bills and running up your credit card later
  7. Hit the pool! – Swimming can be amazing exercise and burn a bunch of calories, also, water triggers the body’s relaxation response and lowers stress hormones
  8. Give your thumbs a rest. – Put the phone away! No work emails or stressing while you are at home. This also gives your eyes a rest.
  9. Recall a past success. – Reflect for 5 minutes on one of your past accomplishments and the reminiscing of how you felt will be relaxing
  10. Do yoga in your pajamas. – Pretty self explanatory — try this one!
  11. Worry about one thing at a time. – This is crucial for women, since we are used to worrying about 100 things at a time, remember that you are only one person and to focus on one worry at a time to get the most accomplished
  12. Focus on your senses a few minutes a day. – Meditation can really do the mind and body wonders!
  13. Talk about—or write out—what’s worrying you. – Sometimes, journaling can really be a great stress reducer. Write it all out, even cry if you need to, you’ll feel better afterward.
  14. Be faithful to your workout routines, no matter how stressed or busy you are. – Exercise will reduce stress an ample amount, so don’t skip the gym!
  15. Get a massage. – Anyone who’s ever had a massage can vouch that it is amazingly relaxing. Sites like Groupon can offer affordable deals in your area.
  16. Speak a stress-free language. – Don’t say anything negative about yourself — keep your speech positive! This will really produce a subconscious effect of stress relief.
  17. Don’t be so serious. – Laughing reduces anxiety and stress and makes you a happier person (and it even burns calories).
  18. Once a day, get away. – Take a mini vacation everyday (even if this means a 5 minute coffee break alone to think and relax).
  19.  Identify at least one good thing that happened today. – recognizing and meditating over positive occurrences really lightens your mood and relieves anxieties
  20. Take the stress in and release it. – Breathing exercises and meditations, like yoga or Tai Chi, really reduce stress hormone levels and washes worries away.

Use all of these methods to really lighten your worries and mood everyday. It is important to live life as stress free as possible. The mental and physical effects of stress can be extremely harmful and any way to reduce the levels of stress hormones will do the mind and body good. Have a happy Monday and happy end of the month! 🙂

Monday Motivation: Wake Up Without Caffeine

It’s Monday again! Today is usually everyone’s most hated day of the week; the weekend is over and the work week begins, alarms are set for 6 am again, the morning commute has heavy traffic… these are all reasons that we tend to reach for an extra large, piping hot cup of joe, especially on Monday mornings. Do you need the energy from caffeine but tired of having to rely on coffee? Maybe your super venti latte doesn’t even cut it anymore; we’ve all been here. Cut off the dependency with caffeine and start your mornings differently with a Healthy Greens Protein Shake.

This shake will give you the energy from a cup of coffee without the caffeine. It is well balanced and may be used as a meal replacement with certain substitutions. The best part: you can get all the ingredients at your local stores and make it at home with a blender in a few minutes.


Here is what you need:

  • Any greens supplement powder of your choice (several choices widely available at Whole Foods, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc…Here, we are going to use Macro Greens)
  • Any protein powder of your choice (Here, we are going to use a Vanilla flavored Whey powder)
  • All natural or light fruit juice (Healthy Balance Apple Juice is a great choice for those of you who are cautious with sugars)
  • Organic Raspberries (may use fruit of your choice, but we also recommend strawberries)
  • Possible Additions: Oatmeal (quick 1 minute versions), Glutamine, Vitamin Powders, or any other flavorless supplements you wish to add for added health benefits.

Here’s How:

  • Blend: Ice, 4-8oz of Healthy Balance Apple Juice (can sub with water or do half and half), 1 scoop of Macro Greens powder, 1 scoop of  Vanilla Whey protein powder, and 1/2 cup of Raspberries.
  • If you are using the shake as a meal replacement, depending on your dietary needs, you may add an extra scoop of protein powder and 1 scoop of Quick Oats for some extra protein, carbs, and fiber to fill you up and keep you full for about two hours.
  • There are so many options and variations, but the above listed have been taste-tested approved. The Macro Greens has derivatives of apples and raspberries, making the apple juice and raspberries the most taste complementing choices, to where it almost covers up that greens taste. The vanilla protein flavor seems to blend in fairly well. Also, if you are on the go, serve it in a protein shaker bottle that has a blender ball of some sort to keep it mixed and just make sure you use enough ice to keep it cold.

Here’s Why:

  • The ingredients in Greens Supplement Powders provide a full serving of vegetables as well as extra vitamins and nutrients that get you up, alert and focused, just like the energy of coffee but with the healthiness of veggies! 🙂 There are so many different choices it can be overwhelming. We recommend going into a health store like Vitamin Shoppe and picking up sample sized packets to see which you like best. Warning: some of the brands taste terrible just with water, unless you are used to the veggie taste and some taste just fine with only water or juice. But most all taste great in the above greens protein shake recipe!
  • Protein powders come in so many varieties this is really up to you. Again, you can visit any health store and choose your favorite customized to your health needs, but we do recommend a Vanilla flavor (a fruit flavored one may possibly taste good also, but this is trial and error). We recommend a protein powder that is higher in protein and low in carbs, since the fruit and oatmeal, if you add it, contain carbohydrates. Unless your goal is to gain healthy mass, then go ahead and use a gainer protein option. Again, this is a very customized option.
  • Raspberries are one of the fruits that are lowest in sugar and have a lot of added health benefits. We are heard about raspberry ketones. Also, they are high in antioxidants and very tasty too.
  • The Healthy Balance Apple Juice uses Splenda, so it is low in sugar and low in calories. If you prefer to not use anything with sugar substitute, opt for an all natural option, like Simply Apple and then cut it with water to reduce the sugar amount.

The greatest thing about this Greens Protein Shake Recipe is that it can be tailored to anyone, with all of the options that are available. The ingredients can be adjusted based on health goals, allergies, dietary needs, etc…

So, find your favorite variation and start your mornings off right, balanced and energized, with this fully customized Greens Protein Shake!